En honor al cumpleaños número 76 del director, escritor y actor Woody Allen, realizaré un Top 10 de las mejores películas en las cuales ha tenido algún tipo de relación. No habrá una explicación, pues espero hacer algo más extenso en el futuro. Repetiré este Top 10 cada Primero de Diciembre para conmemorar su cumpleaños, pues sin duda cambiará con el tiempo. A continuación los dejo con el top 10.
10. Manhattan (1979) - actor, director, escritor.

9. Another Woman (1988) - director, escritor.

8. Sleeper (1973) - actor, director, escritor, compositor.

7. Broadway Danny Rose (1984) - actor, director, escritor.

6. Husbands and Wives (1992) - director, escritor, acotr.

5. The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985) - director, escritor.

4. Love and Death (1975) - actor, director, escritor.

3. Deconstructing Harry (1997) - director, escritor, actor, cantante.

2. Interiors (1978) - director, escritor.

1. Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) - director, escritor, actor.

Mi lista del año pasado: Los 75 de Woody Allen.
6 comentarios:
Jaimie, this is a wonderful Top 10 of the Woodman's films, and it's one that has teeth after your sustained attention to his work over the past six months. You are a Woodman scholar and I greatly respect all your terrific capsules and full reviews of his work.
I am thrilled to see CRIMES on top, as that is also my #1 Woody. I was startled to see DECONSTRUCTING HARRY and INTERIORS way up high there, but both have always had some fervent supporters. But all in all a fab list. I guess mine would be something like this:
1 Crimes and Misdemeanors
2 Annie Hall
3 Manhattan
4 Stardust Memories
5 Bananas
6 Purple Rose of Cairo
7 Everyone Says I Love You
8 Broadway Danny Rose
9 Sleeper
10 Match Point
Jaime -
Interesting list. It seem that recently, especially after the broadcast of a major documentary on Woody in the US, lots of critics and writer are coming up with their "Top 10" list of Allen's films - what fascinates me is how each list differs from the others. (Matt Zoller Seitz recenlty published his very controversial list on Salon, which omitted CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS entirely.)
I know many people love DECONSTRUCTING HARRY, although I've never been able to like it myself. My own list would be 1)ANNIE HALL, 2)CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS, 3) MANHATTAN, 4)BROADWAY DANNY ROSE, 5)THE PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO, 6)HANNAH AND HER SISTER, 7)LOVE AND DEATH, 8)BULLETS OVER BROADWAY, 9)STARDUST MEMORIES, and 10)HUSBANDS AND WIVES. (But then again, I might think of a different list by next week!)
Like your blog very much - have visited a few times,although this is my first comment.
Thanks Pat for your splendid comment! You're now on my blog roll as "Doodad".
Very interesting, Jaime! I also like Woody Allen - out of his recent releases, I loved both 'Midnight in Paris' and 'You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger'. (Pat has a great review of that one on her site.)
I have also just seen 'Scoop' on TV, a film which never got a cinema or even a DVD release in the UK (despite being filmed in London!), but must say I really enjoyed it. Loved seeing Woody starring himself again and playing a dreadful stage magician. Hoping we get to see that documentary on his work here.
I'd be struggling to make a top ten as there are quite a few of his films which I saw many years ago, and others that I haven't yet seen at all, but 'Annie Hall' has to be top of my list, and I also love 'Hannah and Her Sisters' and 'Sweet and Lowdown'.
Judy: thanks for the amazing comment! "Scoop" is really underrated and real fun, I prefer it to most new Allen films (except for Match Point).
Your site is now added to my blogroll as "Clásicos de verdad" Thanks a lot!
You have showed great perseverance behind the blog. It's been enriched since the beginning. I love to share to with my friends. Carry on.
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